bio medici device — Blog — Irina Breslav | Ib healing

bio medici device

New tool in my healing practice – Bio Medici Magnetic Pulsar

I recently added a new therapeutic  tool to my  practice - BIO MEDICI Magnetic Pulser.

It is easy to use, effective, practical, no side effects, affordable device supplies the right dose of pulsed magnetic energy to the cells.

It was was developed by world-renowned scientist Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig of Germany. It simulates the life essential Schumann Resonance waves, which are found in the atmosphere and it delivers a broad frequency spectrum of harmoniously and bio-magnetically stimulating impulses.


Here are the  frequencies of  7 switches, Switch 8 is On/Off

Switch 1 =      0.7 Hz -   (1 Hz)
Switch 2 =   1.93Hz -   (2 Hz) 
Switch 3 =   2.86Hz -   (3 Hz)
Switch 4 =   3.85Hz -   (4 Hz)
Switch 5 =   5.13Hz -   (5 Hz)
Switch 6 =   7.14Hz -   (7 Hz)
Switch 7 = 10.64Hz - (11 Hz)

All switches combined = 33 Hz

Frequency tolerance/variations: 5% up to 7%.
The fine variations are very effective in biological terms

Using switch combinations we can achieve a wide variety of therapeutic frequencies.

In my previous blog, see Dec.3, 2014 we already touched on well researched Human Brain Waves, you may have already read this very informative book by Erik Hoffman  "New Brain, New World."

The Human Brain Waves frequencies
Delta sleep waves:  Full Sleep 0.7 Hz -3 Hz
Delta sleep waves are brain waves during sleep, where there is total unawareness
from the mind, and it is not a state reached in hypnosis.

Theta brain waves:  Deep Hypnosis & Meditation 4 Hz -8 Hz
Theta brain waves are associated with deep relaxation, tranquility, and dreams. Theta meditation is sometimes known as the dream state.
The Alpha State:   8 Hz- 13 Hz
In  Alpha state our minds are still alert, but are more relaxed. We are generally more creative in this state of mind, more open to information and imagination. Some hypnotists see this state as the gateway from the conscious into the unconscious mind. The alpha state is an everyday experience for us, whether we are wrapped up in a movie or going into or out of sleep. .
The Beta State:  Full Conciousness 13 Hz-25 Hz
The Beta State is usually experienced in our walking lives. In this state our brains are highly alert, and this is when reasoning and logic are employed.


Effects of Electromagnetic Energy on Cellular Activity:

The average frequency in healthy, awake adults is around 10 Hz, usually about 8 Hz up to 10 Hz, in some recorded test results up to 14 Hz, which is considered slightly elevated, but much higher under abnormal circumstances like fear, panic, extreme anxiety, etc…

With 4 Hz there is a stimulation of the so called gray zone of the mid brain to release encephalin, which results in the inhabitation of pain cells in the spinal column via seratonin and nor-adrenalin transmitters.

The blood glucose concentration is lowered with 5 Hz to 6 Hz.

12 Hz to 15 Hz increases blood flow and the supply of oxygen and nutrients via the vascular system. Especially beneficial in peripheral nutritive capillaries.

At 5 Hz enhanced DNA Synthesis.

8 Hz re-balancing and restoring potassium and sodium ions, which enables proper exchange of intra and extra cellular  materials.

At 12 Hz to 19 Hz removal of waste materials via the lymph system.

Effects on the cellular activity were present at 1 Hz , which may have a special influence upon reducing abnormal cellular growth.

For improved cell regeneration and healing, DNA content of cell increased at 4 Hz to 5 Hz.

For inflammation , pain and swelling 2 Hz are especially effective (up to 5 Hz) , also proved to be successful as sleep inducing and calming, as well as 1 Hz.

Stimulation of phagocyte cell production and the autoimmune system has been established with 4 Hz only, which in addition counteracts infections, also as preventative measure.

Many other associated therapeutic benefits have been noted from several thousand medical and scientific papers on magnetic therapy.
Predominantly the positive therapeutic effect on Endorphin, Encephalin, Seratonin and Nor-adrenaline release for inhibiting pain and for increased production of neurotransmitters.

The Bio Medici device incorporates all benefits by sending out the proper frequencies/pulses at specific ranges (individual settings for indicated symptoms ), proper waveforms and specific harmonics (very important) and proper current. 

If you are interested in experiencing it, we can combine it with my hands-on session next time you are in my chair. 

If you want to purchase it for yourself or loved ones, please go to  use code IRINA at the checkout to get discounted price and free shipping within US. Price will come to $149. (instead of $169)


The Bio Medici should not be used by persons with pacemakers, by pregnant women, or after myocardinal infarction. Caution is also advised in those cases where your symptoms should first be examined by a doctor or when additional treatment is required which must not be delayed.